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Fundamental Bodywork specialises in posture correction and pain management.

We combine massage techniques, corrective exercises and elements of yoga to improve your posture, help you become pain-free and more resilient to life's stresses.

We provide Massage Therapy, Personal Training and Therapeutic Yoga as separate modalities to suit your individual goals and needs.


live pain-free


move effortlessly


breathe efficiently


our services are provided in your home or in the great outdoors


Make your home a sanctuary of recovery.

Whether you are suffering from pain or just want to relax,

Fundamental Bodywork has got you covered. When the massage is over, you can stay zen instead of battling traffic on your way home.



Making exercise interesting and fun is the key to achieve your fitness goals and even more important to maintain the results long after.


This is where Fundamental Bodywork stands out. Sweat it out in the fresh air at a park, beach or at home.


Create more conscious awareness of the power your breath has.


Whilst conventional yoga is just another form of fitness, only scratching the surface of your true yogic potential,

Fundamental Bodywork will get you deeper into the mind-body connection. 



Live pain-free, move and breathe more efficently.

Improve your posture and work on your dysfunctional patterns. You will feel like ageing is something you can control.


How you feel is more important than your age.
Get on the journey of your life!

Posture transformation before and after photos
Posture transformation before and after photos
Posture transformation before and after photos
Posture transformation before and after photos

OUR work with seniors

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Meet Velma, lovely 85-year old lady who has been doing Fundamental Bodywork since October 2019.

When Velma first came to us asking for help, she was using a walking stick as her balance was poor and she didn't feel safe walking without any support. She also used a walking frame when she would take her dogs out for a walk because the walking stick didn't provide enough support when the dogs would pull the leash. Velma also had a frozen shoulder, not being able to lift her left arm above shoulder-level.

Her balance has improved significantly, she became very independent and her arms are functionally equivalent.


what our customers say

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Izidor 'Izzy' Cech

"Experience what nature has intended you to feel like at your age; pain-free, moving effortlessly and breathing efficiently."

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